Build Spring MVC Web Applications

Video description

Spring MVC is a lightweight framework for building robust and highly scalable server-side web applications. With this learning path, you'll master the basics of Spring MVC as you create and deploy a well-structured Java web application using the Spring MVC module. Then, you'll move on to persisting data within your web apps using Spring Data and providing authorization and authentication with Spring Security. At the end of this course, you'll be able to construct sophisticated and powerful enterprise-grade web apps that integrate with Java and Spring technologies.

  • Learn to configure Spring MVC applications with Java and Spring Boot
  • Learn how to work with Spring’s support for web services
  • Gain experience working with the Reactive Stack, and how to leverage reactive streams
  • Understand how to perform request handling with controllers, and how to process them using an asynchronous and streaming approach
  • See how to leverage flexible data binding with Spring MVC
  • Perform exception and error handling and perform testing with Sprint Test MVC

This course is for you because...

  • You're a beginning web application developer and want to learn the model view controller pattern to grow your web development skills
  • You're an experienced web application developer and want to leverage the full complement of Spring MVC features
  • You want to understand the major Spring MVC components and expand your knowledge of this Spring module


  • Students should be familiar with the basics of the Java programming language

Materials or downloads needed in advance: None

Table of contents

  1. Course Overview
    1. About The Course
    2. About The Author
  2. Spring Data Introduction
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Spring Data Features
    3. Core Concepts
    4. Spring Tool Suite Installation
    5. Spring Data Demonstration
  3. Spring Data Configuration
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Spring Boot Configuration
    3. Project Setup
    4. Java Configuration
    5. Bootstrapping A Java Configuration
    6. XML Configuration
  4. JPA Repositories
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Retreiving Entities
    3. Persisting New Entities
    4. Modifying Entities
    5. Removing Entities
    6. 0406.mp4
  5. Derived Queries
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Derived Queries
    3. String Operators
    4. Relational Operators
    5. Logical Operators
    6. Date Comparisons
    7. Ordering Results
    8. Limiting Query Results
    9. Transversing Nested Properties
  6. Additional Query Techniques
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. @Query
    3. Named Queries
    4. Paging Results
    5. Sorting Results
    6. Query Method Return Types
  7. Advanced JPA Techniques
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Customizing Repository Behavior
    3. Global Repository Customization
    4. Async Queries
    5. Auditing
    6. Modifying Queries
  8. Spring MVC Integration
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Project Overview
    3. Domainclassconverter
    4. Paging Integration
    5. Sorting Integration
  9. MongoDB
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Mongo Features
    3. Mongo Installation
    4. Mongo Demo
    5. Securing Mongo
  10. Mongo Template
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. XML Configuration
    3. Mongo Template
    4. Mapping Documents
    5. Inserting Documents Part - 1
    6. Inserting Documents Part - 2
    7. Updating Documents
    8. Upserting Documents
    9. Removing Documents
    10. Retreiving Documents
    11. Criteria And Query Objects
    12. Mongo Java Configuration
  11. Mongo Repositories
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Mongo Repository Setup
    3. Repository Populator
    4. Mongorepository Basics
    5. Geospatial Features
    6. Full Text Search
    7. JSON Queries
    8. Converters
  12. Spring Data Rest
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Project Setup
    3. cURL
    4. Customizing Rest Configuration
    5. Exploring The Rest API
    6. Paing And Sorting
    7. Customizing Resource Access
    8. Projections
  13. Course Wrap-Up
    1. Course Wrap Up
  14. Course Overview
    1. Course Introduction
    2. About The Author
  15. Spring Security Introduction
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Spring Security Features
    3. Security Principles
    4. Spring Tool Suite Installation
    5. Spring Tool Suite Configuration
    6. Course Project
    7. Spring Security Demonstration
  16. Spring Security Basics
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Basic XML Configuration
    3. Fine Tuning Access Control
    4. HTTP Basic Authentication
    5. Custom Form Login
    6. Fine Tuning Form Login
    7. Post Login Concerns
    8. Logout
  17. Authentication
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Security Interceptor
    3. User Detail Service
    4. Security Context Holder
    5. User Details
    6. Creating New User Accounts
    7. Custom Authentication Provider
    8. Custom Authentication Object
    9. Custom Authentication
  18. Jdbc Authentication
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. JDBC Userdetails Manager
    3. Group Based Access Control
    4. Encoding Passwords
    5. Salting Hashes
  19. LDAP Authentication
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. LDAP Installation
    3. LDAP Configuration
    4. LDAP Authentication Provider
    5. User Details Context Mapper Part - 1
    6. User Details Context Mapper Part - 2
    7. Fine Tuning LDAP Configuration
  20. Authorization
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. Expression Based Configuration
    3. Authorize Tag
    4. Method Security With @Pre Authorize
    5. Method Security With @Post Authorize
    6. @Roles Allowed
    7. @Pre Filter
    8. @Post Filter
  21. Access Control
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. ACL Schema
    3. Adding ACL Entries
    4. ACL Configuration
    5. Integrating ACL Components
  22. Advanced Features
    1. Chapter Overview
    2. HTTPS Channel Security
    3. CSRF Protection
    4. Authentication Tag
    5. Remember Me Authentication
    6. Java Configuration Part - 1
    7. Java Configuration Part - 2
  23. Course Wrap Up
    1. Course Wrap Up

Product information

  • Title: Build Spring MVC Web Applications
  • Author(s): Brian Foster
  • Release date: April 2016
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781491961018